Some forklift maintenance tasks should be done daily in order to maintain its lifespan up. Let’s have a look:
- Charging forklift batteries if required
- Checking its water level
- Checking its fluid level
- After use, storing it at a safe temperature
Some tasks related to forklift batteries should be done on weekly basis. This can no doubt ensure a good lifespan. Let’s look at the things to be included:
- Checking the water cell after charging
- Provide an equalization charge with sufficient cool-down time.
- Checking for residue on battery instances and cleaning them with Acid safe if required
- After charging your forklift battery, try to measure specific gravity with a hydrometer. It should be noted that usually ideal specific gravity should be 1.285. If you notice the gravity differences then try to equalize it.
Some forklift battery requires its maintenance within one month of its use so let’s have a look at some of these tasks that are required to be performed on monthly basis:
- A thorough inspection should be given to all batteries anytime in a month. During detailed inspection try note down the signs of corrosion on terminals. Also thoroughly examine connectors and cables for damage.
- A detailed cleaning of tops of battery cases with Acid safe.
- After charging the batteries, must try to measure specific gravity with a hydrometer. In case of standard forklift batteries after charging, must have an ideal specific gravity of 1.285. If not done, try to equalize it.
Some forklift batteries, maintenance tasks don’t need to do frequently. Lets’ have a look:
- Wash the forklift batteries thoroughly including all the defined parts
- In a case of spending batteries try to send it to recycling services.
In a case, you can’t do the maintenance tasks of the forklift battery then please take service packages that ensure all these maintenance services. This can be done by adding in-house maintenance in your battery room which in turn will extend the life of the whole battery collection. In short, if you ensure proper maintenance to your forklift batteries, you are actually hiking up your incomes.