Battery charging level going down
When you find that the charging cycle of a forklift battery is going down to mere few hours, it is an indication hinting towards buying a new forklift battery. In this case, if you have used your forklift battery for more than five years then don’t be confused to get a new one.
Battery begins smelling like sulphur
When you realize that your forklift battery smell like rotten eggs at the time of charging then it’s another sign of replacing your electric forklift battery. In this case, don’t overlook the smell of sulphur emitted by your forklift battery, it may cause an explosion.
Battery emits smoke while charging
While charging your forklift battery, checking its water level and the fluid level is good but not overlook the smoke emitting by a forklift battery. In this case, immediately replace your forklift battery otherwise it may result in fire or explode.
Corrosion starts building up on your battery
When you notice that you forklift battery has assembled corrosion at its top, then it is another sign of dying of your battery, please replace it earlier especially if it around 5 years ago.
When you notice any of the above sign then please immediately stop using your forklift battery and replace it earlier. If you become careless and continuously using, it may result in exploding. In other words, if your forklift battery losing charge or providing trouble handling, that means your forklift battery’s response time is going down. Stop using your forklift for transferring the material from one place to another in your workplace and replace your battery first. If not done, then you have to incur the cost of loss which is extremely higher than the cost of a forklift battery.